
Beau Van Dalen
2 min readNov 28, 2022


Photo by Rochelle Lee on Unsplash

As I watched the world break you

I couldn’t do a thing.


The stars, were ablaze, too scorching

to give you

the future, too dim

to show you.


I held your hand throughout it all,

Through the monster that sprouted inside you, yesterday, yesterday, and the day before that,


the one seen across many gazes, reflected, before yours–

the one that has taken others, in night, day and noon.


I really tried to love you.

I loved you.

I love you.


still, to-day, I wish you had not let go

of our skin–

I wish

I could have touched you, to the moon and back, and here again–

we are, veins, two paths diverging,

one I had made, for you

and I–

split, from our–

cocoon–there is,

the one–

that you have built

cut from pieces

and pieces

and pieces

i could never




for you,

I would have carved it.





we cannot hold another, that does not want to be lifted,





eating for two was a dangerous thing.


I see your eyes in the darkness, sometimes– crazy, and wild, and afraid–


you, the wonderful being, who has had his wonders stripped, stolen and taken all at once,

you are a sight to behold–golden–when things are bright–

but now, i can only–

wish you


About The Author: Author of over 30+ web-serials & novels, published by Tapas Media and Radish, Wattpad Stars Alumnus, Finalist in Neovel’s 2022 Writing Contest and Winner of Tapas’s 2018 Summer Writing Competition, Beau Van Dalen’s stories have amassed a total of over one million reads online — between short stories, poems, novels and scripts, he can always be found with a pen in hand.

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